Guardians of the Family: The Family; A Proclamation to the World


In this podcast, we discuss the document The Family: A Proclamation to the World.  The Family Proclamation is a blue print for successful, happy families.   Families are designed by God, and he has a plan for us and our families.  The Family Proclamation outlines God’s doctrine on the family and gives us the principles we need to apply individually and in our homes to make our families stronger.

Thanks for listening!  You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram, and Facebook and at our website

We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments.  What are you reading?  Do you have ideas for future shows? Let us know!


Guardians of the Family: The Calm Before the Storm

Welcome to the first podcast of Guardians of the Family!  In this episode we introduce ourselves and talk about our reasons behind starting a podcast.  We also discuss an article titled, “The Calm Before the Storm,” by Oliver DeMille.  In the article Oliver puts forth the idea that reading, studying, writing, and discussing the classics are things we can do now that will help us to change the world for the better.  Listen and find out why classics are so important and what you can do to get started.

We look forward to hearing from you.  Please introduce yourself in the comments and tell us what you liked, and what you would like to hear more about!  Thanks for listening.




The Responsibility of Making A Home

“What a might responsibility rests upon him who essays to make a home, for the founding of a home is as sacred a work as the founding of a church.  Indeed, every home should be a temple dedicated to divine worship, where human beings through life should worship God through the service of mutual love-the highest tribute man can pay to the divine.” — C.E. Sargent